As we move through the different phases of our 28-day moon cycle, our bodies go through many changes. For many of us, the most unpleasant phase is without a doubt menstruation. When we bleed, we cleanse our bodies which requires a lot of energy. Our immune systems become weaker and we may experience painful cramps.

It is believed that adding adaptogens - tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms - to your diet can help balance out hormone levels, boost the immune system and reduce painful cramps.

Here, we will look at recommended herbs and mushrooms to support your body during each phase of your moon cycle.


 1. The Follicular Phase


The follicular phase is the first phase of your cycle. Overall energy and iron levels are low due to blood loss during menstruation. All hormones are at low levels and begin slowly to increase in concentration. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) levels increase to help eggs mature in the ovary.


The overall hormonal effect on the brain is one of openness to new things. This time is great for setting intentions and starting new things in all areas of your life.


Focus on fresh, light and fermented foods. Eating plenty of veggies, pressed salads (kimchi and sauerkraut), lean proteins, sprouted beans and seeds, and grains will make you feel more energised during this phase. 

Adaptogens to include:

  • Nettle to replenish the body with iron
  • Schisandra to boost energy and nourish the kidneys 


Discover our Yoni blend, including Nettle and Schisandra, here.


 2. The Ovulation Phase 


Hormone levels rise, stimulating the follicle to release an egg. Oestrogen increases further to thicken the uterine lining. Testosterone begins to surge, driving desire and then drops around ovulation.


As these hormones stimulate the verbal and social centres of the brain, this is an excellent time to have meaningful conversations, share ideas, negotiate, and start collaborations.


Ensure to eat enough fibre by including raw veggies, fruit, quinoa and corn to eliminate excess oestrogen and promote well-being for your ovaries. 

Adaptogens to include:

  • Holy Basil and White Peony for oestrogen metabolism,
  • Shatavari to boost Lutein Hormone (LH) production*,
  • Maca to balance oestrogen levels and increase energy and libido,
  • Red Clover to increase cervical mucus and lubricate the vagina.

* If you are trying to conceive, take Shatavari from menstruation to ovulation and resume the next cycle.


Discover our Yoni blend, including Nettle, Raspberry Leaf, Yarrow, Shatavari, Chaga Extract, Ginger, Cinnamon, Maca.


 3. The Luteal Phase 


Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone concentrations reach their peak before falling to their lowest levels before menstruation starts. The immune system is getting weaker, and our metabolism increases. PMS may occur when there is too much estrogen in the body compared to progesterone.


This week, your brain chemistry is optimised for task and detail orientation and getting things done on your to-do list.


Focus on root vegetables to flush out oestrogen, leafy greens to replenish calcium and magnesium while reducing fluid retention. Sugar cravings? Add foods rich in B-vitamins (bananas, oats, nuts) to your diet. 

Adaptogens to include:

Ashwagandha and Rhodiola Rosea to address elevated cortisol

Ginger supports digestion and reduces bloating

Chaste Berry boosts progesterone levels and lengthens the luteal phase, which helps conceive in the future.

Chaga and Reishi to boost your immune system 


Discover our Yoni blend, including Nettle, Raspberry Leaf, Yarrow, Shatavari, Chaga Extract, Ginger, Cinnamon, Maca.


 4. The Menstrual Phase


As hormone levels decline to their lowest concentrations communicating between the left and right brain hemispheres is the highest. The immune system is at its weakest. 


Use this time to evaluate, practise yoga and tap into your intuition.


Focus on nutrient-dense foods: proteins, fats, fruit, seafood, nori, soups, and stews. 

Adaptogens to include:

  • Cramp Bark (boiled as tea) to reduce cramps
  • Ginger reduces cramps and bloating
  • Chaga supports the body with minerals and iron and boosts the immune system
  • Red Raspberry Leaf replenish minerals
  • Nettle nourishes with iron and minerals
  • Yarrow reliefs gas and normalises blood flow


Discover our Yoni blend, including Nettle, Raspberry Leaf, Yarrow, Shatavari, Chaga Extract, Ginger, Cinnamon, Maca.


If you are in menopause, the following herbs are recommended: 

  • Maca for peri-menopause and post-menopause symptoms 
  • Chaste berry rebalances both oestrogen and progesterone levels
  • Sage 
  • Red Clover 


For your convenience, we have created a blend of herbs that support you during your moon cycle.

Discover our Yoni blend here. 

Shop Chaga and other medicinal mushrooms here. 

December 17, 2021

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